Mirror’s Edge – A review in exactly 200 words.
Imagine the jumpy, ledge-grabby bits of Tomb Raider or the jumpy, ledge-grabby bits of Assassin’s Creed played in first-person and you pretty much have Mirror’s Edge. It’s essentially a game of “free-running“. I won’t bother describing the story as it’s pretty atrocious – much like the 2D-cartoon cut-scenes in which it is played out – suffice to say that in the near-future portrayed, postmen jump about rooftops.
You run from A to B with objects (boxes, drainpipes, etc) along the way coloured red to indicate some usefulness to your progression. This hand-holding is good, except that you’re completely lost without it. And even when you can visualise what you need to do to get somewhere, it’s often incredibly difficult to actually do it. Thus the game is one of the most frustrating and infuriating i’ve ever played, with some vaults literally taking 50 attempts or more. That being the case i was surprised to finish the story-mode so quickly (under eight hours – I reckon a decent gamer could do it in well under five).
Would i recommend this game? Well, as it’s a bit novel, yes. Just don’t buy it. Borrow or rent it. Or if your parkour’s any good, steal it.