Bosanko and TalkTalk.
Long-time gluttons-for-punishment1 may recall a little post i made back in february about an artist called Michael Bosanko, who creates incredible images with glow-sticks. Light graffiti, if you will.
Light graffiti? What, like in those TalkTalk adverts and the TalkTalk “idents” for the X-Factor? Yes, like those. Just like those. Because they’re done by Bosanko. Look, here and here are TalkTalk telling you all about how they toured the UK with him to produce the pictures for their ads.
I think the pics from Sheffield are particularly lovely, but i may be biased…
All of the images from the ads, including 6 from Sheffield, can be found on Flickr or head over to YouTube for a collection of videos, including a “how to” by the artist…
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