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So, the login details of around 10,000 Hotmail accounts were posted to the web and subsequent analysis reveals that the most commonly used password is “123456”. Clearly that’s a terribly silly password to use but let’s look at the details: There were 64 instances of “123456” in 10,000 records. 0.006% is not a significant number. Also, we have no idea how many of these Hotmail accounts were “genuine”, by which i mean, those used regularly by the same person. After all, there must be quite a percentage of accounts (larger than 0.006%?) which are simply setup and used once to get through some online registration wall or other, no?

I think what i’m trying to say is that, as stupid as we tech types like to imagine they are, most people actually aren’t that thick.

However, if it is a revelation to you that “123456” is a bad password to employ, i suggest you read these password tips from Google and F-Secure.

Also, don’t use anything you find on or from this “List of passwords that should NEVER be used” (originally posted on but no longer available, as far as i can see)…


Weak Passwords


a, A.M.I, A52896nG93096a, aaa, aammii, abc, abcd, academia, academic, accept, access, ACCESS, account, accounting, action, adam, ADAMS, adfexc, adm, admin, ADMIN, Admin, admin2, administrator, Administrator, adminttd, ADMN, admn, adrian, adrianna, adtran, adult, Advance, ADVMAIL, aerobics, alfarome, ALFAROME, ALLIN1, ALLIN1MAIL, ALLINONE, aLLy, ALLy, alpha, AM, AMI, AMI!SW, AMI.KEY, AMI.KEZ, AMI?SW, AMI_SW, AMI~, AMIAMI, AMIDECOD, amipswd, AMIPSWD, AMISETUP, anicust, anon, anonymous, any@, ANYCOM, AP2SVP, aPAf, APL2PP, APPLSYS, APPS, AQDEMO, AQUSER, ARCHIVIST, Asante, ascend, Ascend, asdf, asdfgh, at4400, attack, AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED, AURORA@ORB@UNAUTHENTICATED, autocad, AUTOLOG1, Award, award, AWARD?SW, AWARD_SW, awkward


BACKUP, BATCH, BATCH1, BATCH2, bbs, bciim, bciimpw, bcms, bcmspw, bcnas, bcnaspw, bell9, BIGO, bin, bintec, BIOS, BIOSPASS, biosstar, biostar, Biostar, BIOSTAR, BLAKE, blue, bluepw, boss, BRIDGE, browse, browsepw


c, cablecom, cable-docsis, CAROLIAN, cascade, CATALOG, cc, CCC, ccrusr, CDEMO82, CDEMOCOR, CDEMORID, CDEMOUCB, central, CHANGE_ON_INSTALL, changeme, checkfs, checkfsys, checksys, CHEY_ARCHSVR, circ, cisco, Cisco router, CLARK, client, CLOTH, cmaker, CMSBATCH, CMSUSER, CNAS, COGNOS, Col2ogro2, comcomcom, COMPANY, Compaq, Compleri, computer, CONCAT, condo, CONDO, Congress, CONV, CPNUC, CPRM, cr0wmt 911, craft, craftpw, Crystal, CSPUSER, CTX_123, CTXDEMO, CTXSYS, cust, custpw, CVIEW


d.e.b.u.g, d8on, daemon, Daewuu, Database, databse, DATAMOVE, Daytec, DBSNMP, DCL, DDIC, death, debug, DECMAIL, DECNET, default, DEFAULT, Dell, DEMO, demo, DEMO1, DEMO8, DEMO8, demos, deskalt, deskman, desknorm, deskres, DESQUETOP, dhs3mt, dhs3pms, diag, diamond, DIGITAL, DISC, disttech, D-Link, dn_04rjc, dni, DS, DSA


EARLYWATCH, echo, EMP, enable, eng, engineer, enquiry, enquirypw, enter, ESSEX, EVENT, Ezsetup


fal, FAX, fax, FAXUSER, FAXWORKS, FIELD, field, FIELD.SUPPORT, FINANCE, FND, foobar, friend, ftp


g6PJ, games, ganteng, GATEWAY, GEN1, gen1, GEN2, gen2, glftpd, gnumpf, god, godblessyou, gonzo, gopher, GPLD, gropher, guessme, guest, GUEST, Guest, guest1, GUESTGUE, guestgue, GUESTGUEST


h6BB, hacker, halt, HARRIS, hax0r, HELGA-S, HELLO, hello, HELP, help, HELPDESK, HEWITT RAND, hewlpack, HLT, home, Home, HOST, HP, hp, HPDESK, HPLASER, HPOFFICE, HPOFFICE DATA, HPONLY, HPP187, HPP187 SYS, HPP189, HPP196, HPWORD PUB, hydrasna


I5rDv2b2JjA8Mm, ibm, IBM, ibmcel, ihavenopass, ILMI, inads, indspw, INFO, informix, INGRES, init, initpw, install, Internet, IntraStack, IntraSwitch, INTX3, INVALID, IPC, IS_$hostname, ITF3000, iwill


j09F, j256, j262, j322, j64, JDE, Jetform, JONES


kermit, kiddie, komprie, ksdjfg934t


l2, l3, laflaf, lantronix, LASER, LASERWRITER, last, lesarotl, letacla, letmein, LIBRARY, lineprin, LINK, lkw peter, lkwpeter, LKWPETER, Lkwpeter, llatsni, locate, locatepw, login, looker, LOTUS, love, lp, lpadm, lpadmin, lucenttech1, lucenttech2, lynx


MAIL, mail, MAILER, maint, maintain, maintpw, man, manager, Manager, MANAGER, MANAGER.SYS, Master, MASTER, masterkey, MBIU0, MBMANAGER, MBWATCH, mcp, MDSYS, me, merlin, mfd, MFG, MGR, MGR.SYS, MICRO, MILLER, mirc, mlusr, mMmM, MMO2, MODTEST, monitor, MOREAU, mountfs, mountfsys, mountsys, MPE, mtch, mtcl, MTYSYS, my_DEMARC, mypass, mypc


n/a, naadmin, NAMES, ncrm, NETBASE, NETCON, NETFRAME, NetICs, netlink, netman, NETMGR, NETNONPRIV, NETOP, netopia, NETPRIV, netrangr, netscreen, NETSERVER, NETWORK, NEWINGRES, NEWS, news, NeXT, NF, NFI, NICONEX, nms, nmspw, nobody, noway, NONPRIV, ntacdmax, nuucp


OCITEST, oem_temp,op, OP.OPERATOR, operator, OPERATOR, OPERVAX, oracle, ORDPLUGINS, ORDSYS, OUTLN, OutOfBox, owner


PAPER, pass, PASS, Pass, passwd, Passwd, PASSWORD, password, Password, pat, patrick, PBX, pc, PCUSER, PDP11, PDP8, PFCUser, PHANTOM, phoenix, piranha, pmd, PO, PO8, poll, Polrty, POST, Posterie, postmast, POSTMASTER, postmaster, POWERCARTUSER, powerdown, PRIMARY, prime, primenet, primeos, primos, primos_cs, PRINT, PRINTER, PRIV, private, prost, PSEAdmin, public, PUBSUB, pw, pwd, pwp


q, Q54arwms, QDI, qpgmr, qsecofr, qserv, qsrvbas, qsvr, qsysopr, quser, qwer


raidzone, rcust, rcustpw, RE, read, readonly, readwrite, REGO, REMOTE, replicator, REPORT, RJE, rje, RM, RMAIL, rmnetlm, RMUser1, ro, ROBELLE, ROOT, root, Root, ROOT500, ROUTER, router, RSBCMON, RSX, rw, rwa, rwmaint


sa, SABRE, SAMPLE, san fran 8, SAP*, satan, SCOTT, script, scriptkiddie, SECDEMO, secoff, secofr, secret, secure, security, SECURITY, SER, sertafu, server, service, SERVICE, servlet, SETUP, setup, sex, shutdown, signa, SKY_FOX, sldkj754, smile, snake, SnuFG5, software, sp99dd, Spacve, spcl, speedxess, SPOOLMAN, spooml, star, STEEL, STUDENT, su, Super, super, SUPERVISOR, support, SUPPORT, supportpw, switch, SWITCHES_SW, Sxyz, SY_MB, sybase, sync, synnet, SYS, sys, sysadm, SYSADM, sysadmin, sysbin, SYSDBA, SYSLIB, syslib, SYSMAINT, SYSMAN, Sysop, system, SYSTEM, system_admin, SYSTEST, SYSTEST_CLIG, syxz, SZYX


t0ch20x, t0ch88, TCH, teacher, tech, technolgi, tele, TELEDEMO, TELESUP, temp, temp1, TEST, test, testing, teX1, tiara, TIGER, tini, Tiny, tlah, topicalt, topicnorm, topicres, Toshiba, toshy99, tour, TRACE, TRACESRV, trancell, trouble, TSDEV, TSEUG, TSUSER, TTPTHA, tutor, TzqF


uClinux, UETP, umountfs, umountfsys, umountsys, unix, User, user, USER, USER_TEMPLATE, USER0, USER1, USER2, USER3, USER4, USER5, USER6, USER7, USER8, USER9, USERP, uucp, uucpadm, uwontguessme




WANGTEK, web, WebAdmin, WebBoard, webdb, weblogic, webmaster, win, WINDOWS_PASSTHRU, WINSABRE, winterm, wodj, WOOD, WORD, WP, wradmin, write, www


xljlbj, XLSERVER, xo11nE, xp, xxx, xxxx, xxxxx, xxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx, xyzall


YES, youwontguessme, yxcv


zbaaaca, Zenith, zeosx, zxcv


0, 1, 1.1, 2, 5, 7, 12, 30, 110, 111, 123, 1111, 1234, 2002, 2003, 2222, 2600, 8429, 12345, 54321, 111111, 121212, 123123, 123456, 166816, 256256, 654321, 1234567, 1322222, 7061992, 11111111, 12345678, 19920706, 22222222, 88888888, 123456789, 1. 1, 1234qwer, 123abc, 123asd, 123qwe, 1RRWTTOOI, 240653C9467E45, 24Banc81, 3098z, 3ep5w2u, 4Dgifts, 4getme2, 4tas, 57gbzb


!@#$, !@#$%, !@#$%^, !@#$%^&, !@#$%^&*, !root, $ALOC$, $secure$, $system, %username%12, %username%123, %username%1234, (none), ?award, }

Got that?