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It could be me. (Draw #10)

The 10th ICBM draw (or Lotto draw #1500, if you prefer) took place on Saturday night and do you know what happened? Go on, have a guess… YES! That’s right…

Numbers drawn: 1, 26, 28, 32, 46, 48 + bonus ball 10

My Numbers: 6, 9, 16, 23, 27, 32

No. of matching numbers: 1

Price of ticket: £1

Amount won: £0

Financial outcome: -£1

After failing to win a single bean yet again i decided to make use of the wonderful stats over at in order to find out how many times “My Numbers” have won a prize in the history of the National Lottery. The answer? 14. Yes, that’s fourteen. That particular set of six numbers has won a prize in just 14 Saturday draws since 1994. No wonder the two balances continue to look like this:

Lottery balance: £-10  //  Not A Lottery balance: £10

It could be me. (Draw #09)

Hello there. We’re now 9 weeks into this experiment and i’m boiling with a sense of entitlement to a win, such is the stupidity of this gambling lark.

Numbers drawn: 6, 15, 28, 29, 30, 47 + bonus ball 19

My Numbers: 6, 9, 16, 23, 27, 32

No. of matching numbers: 1

Price of ticket: £1

Amount won: £0

Financial outcome: -£1

And so the two balances now look like this…

Lottery balance: £-9  //  Not A Lottery balance: £9

It could be me. (Draw #08)

And, lo, not a penny was won.

Numbers drawn: 1, 4, 12, 23, 33, 40 + bonus ball 35

My Numbers:  6, 9, 16, 23, 27, 32

No. of matching numbers: 1

Price of ticket: £1

Amount won: £0

Financial outcome: -£1

Which all, rather obviously, means that the two balances look like this…

Lottery balance: £-8  //  Not A Lottery balance: £8

It could be me. (Draw #07)

I’m writing this, so you know i haven’t hit the jackpot.

Numbers drawn: 3, 10, 29, 31, 36, 44 + bonus ball 45

My Numbers: 6, 9, 16, 23, 27, 32

No. of matching numbers: 0

Price of ticket: £1

Amount won: £0

Financial outcome: -£1

And thus…

Lottery balance: £-7  //  Not A Lottery balance: £7

Making the Joggler useful.

Since many people seem to end up here after searching for things like “hacking the o2 joggler” i thought i’d take a moment to highlight this video of a Joggler running Google Chrome on Ubuntu linux. It finally looks like someone has made the Joggler useful…

Some instructions on how to get Ubuntu onto the Joggler can be found here1.  Also, you may be interested to know that O2 are now flogging the Joggler for just £49.992.

  1. Incidentally, that whole site is full of interesting-looking Joggler jiggery-pokery. 

  2. Down from the already reduced price of £100.